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Death World

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 Grey Magic Shop

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Брой мнения : 135
Location : In Kira's house xD Hell Yeah !! ^__^
Registration date : 23.12.2007

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Grey Magic Shop   Grey Magic Shop Icon_minitimeНед Яну 20, 2008 2:59 am

Grey Magic Shop Grey-ulgu

Един младеж седеше и чакаше клиенти ...


First aid cost: 100 p

components: runic parchment
The Wizard kneels beside an injured companion and uses his arcane knowledge of magic to mend his bleeding wounds as quickly as possible. This spell may be cast on a single friendly model in the Wizard's death zone and will heal the target back to full wounds. It may not be cast if there are any enemy models within 2 squares as the Wizard really needs to concentrate to cast this spell.

The Cloak of Mist cost: 100 p

components: vial of mist

As the Wizard casts this spell hazy tendrils of thin grey mist spew from his waving fingertips, and envelope a nearby comrade. Soon the target is surrounded by a thick cloud of dark fog, and opponents find it extremely difficult to focus on him as his outline becomes an indistinct blur of vapour. This spell may target any friendly model in the line of sight of the Wizard, and lasts until the end of the combat on which it’s cast. The recipient of this spell gains a point of DS as opponents find it harder to strike him, always counts as partially covered target for ranged attacks, and is at +2 to his stealth.

Animate Sword cost: 100 p

components:steel shard
Muttering an ominous litany, the Wizards causes a shimmering and elegant steel sword to appear before him as if from thin air. Floating in the air as if held by some unseen fighter, the sword dashes to engage the Wizard’s enemies in a battle to death. The sword may attack any enemy model within 12 squares of the Wizard, counts as magical, has a WS of 9 and causes 4dd (fumble:1,critic:12). The sword continues attacking the same enemy and vanishes if it gets out of the Wizard’s line of sight, if it fumbles or if its target dies.The sword counts as always attacking enemies from the front, and may not charge. The victim of the sword’s attacks may evade from combat as usual, but the sword will chase it, ignoring totally other enemy death zones while doing so. On the contrary of a summoned creature such as the Golem (from the Gold College) the Animated Sword does not occupy a square and does not need to be represented by any model (notice, however, that an Animated Sword counts as an attacker when following the rules for surrounding opponents).

Wanderlust cost: 100 p

components: grey feather
The Wizard’s continuous chanting mystically fills the other heroes with an uncontrollable wish to explore, discover and see new places. Unable to stand still, they are soon on their way to discover the entire dungeon and uncover all its secrets. This spell may only be cast during an exploration phase and ends when the next combat starts. All heroes in the Wizard’s line of sight (including the Wizard himself) are affected. Wanderlust increases by 3 the movement rate of all targets. Alternatively this spell may be cast on a single hero in the Wizard's line of sight, who triples his speed for the next turn only. The one defect of this spell is that such is the wish to move generated by it, that targets always have to use their movement to the full, even if this means they must move back and forth!

The Magic Eye cost: 150 p

components: runic parchment
The Wizards stands motionless and silent, furrowing his brow in concentration, and as he mutters under his breath for just a split-second a hazy grey third eye can be seen opening on his forehead. By doing this the Wizard is able to see parts of the dark dungeon that has never been explored, and secrets never uncovered. By means of this spell the Wizard is able to see what lies beyond a target closed door or chest. These may be even out of the Wizard’s line of sight, but in this case an Intelligence test is required. The party gains +1 to the surprise roll against groups of monsters set up in a room explored this way. The wizard is also allowed to roll for each trap within the room (or on the chest) in attempting to discover it (adding any bonuses the Wizard may have as usual), notice that no attempt to deactivate any trap may be done at this stage. (Designer’s note: this spell is particularly useful because of it’s ability to discover traps, however the GM must feel free to make the Wizard roll dice even if there is no trap, or more dice than there are traps, to avoid that the heroes know exactly how many traps are concealed even if the spell should fail to uncover any. Finally, remember that if you roll a natural 12 due to this spell no special effects occur, such as gaining experience in discovering traps). This is by far the most powerful divination spell in the game.

Insight cost: 125 p

components: runic parchment
The Wizard sinks deep in thought as he recollects all his knowledge and wisdom to try to plan a good strategy for tackling a difficult situation and prevent disaster. Insight causes the Wizard to be able to react better and have more intuition and know-how, and for this reason has the effect of increasing for one turn his Intelligence, Lock-picking, Detecting or Deactivating skill by 3 points (Wizard player's choice). Alternatively this spell may also be cast when the heroes encounter a hazard that uses a table (such as Mold, Mushrooms or the Magic Circle), but before actually triggering the hazard itself (for example once a Magic Circle is discovered, but has not been entered yet). It allows to reroll the dice once if the hero does not accept the first result, if each hero is required to roll the dice separately, then each is allowed to re-roll. The second result must be accepted even if it’s effects are worst than the first. Finally Insight may also be cast if the heroes are unable to make sense of a particular situation, and the DM should give them some more or less helpful hint in this event (NEVER a direct suggestion!).

Veil of fog cost: 125 p

components: vial of mist

Dark strands of grey mist unleash from the Wizard’s open palms and congeal around the surrounding area, covering it in a thick and shadowy fog. The Veil of Fog affects all the area in the Wizard’s line of sight for three turns, after which it dissipates. All models within this area count as partially covered when being targets for ranged attacks. Moreover for the first turn all affected friendly models can ignore totally enemy death zones and automatically evade from combat. In the next two turns, as the fog slowly thins out, this rule does not apply, but the heroes do still have a bonus of +3 to Stealth to reflect their enhanced ability to conceal themselves in the remaining fog and elude enemies.

Teleport cost: 150 p

components: grey feather
The Wizard closes his eyes and starts focusing intensely on a section of the dungeon. As he mutters silently his outlines start fading and he gradually disappears, leaving behind only a whiff of grey mist. Soon enough the Wizard’s shape begins to materialize elsewhere in the dungeon, appearing at first as a hazy, wispy outline, and regaining solidity little by little. The Wizard may use this spell to teleport his model to any square in his line of sight. He may also choose to be moved to a previously explored section of the dungeon that is out of his line of sight. Since teleporting out of sight is much more complex, it requires an Intelligence test and a full turn to cast. Should the test be failed the Wizard loses his turn, consumes the ingredient and is not moved at all.

Strength of Mind cost: 150 p

components: runic parchment
As the Wizard pronounces arcane incantations of discipline and wisdom, he clears the minds of nearby heroes of their innermost fears, putting up a mental fortress against all diverting thoughts. Affected heroes become suddenly silent and disciplined beyond measure, their mind clear of distraction and focused entirely on their mission. This spell affects the Wizard and all friendly models in base-to-base contact (not diagonally). Its effects last until the start of the next exploration phase. Strength of Mind causes affected heroes to become immune to the effects of fearsome monsters and monsters that hypnotize, and count as having an Int value of 10 if it was lower than 10 before the spell was cast. They are moreover automatically unaffected by enemy spells that affect or influence the mind, and gain a magic resistance of 9-12 against other spells. Finally, one single time for the duration of the entire spell they may choose to automatically hit an opponent in close combat or with a ranged weapon, such is their level of concentration. Once this spell is cast it may not be used again until the combat is over.

Wind Blast cost: 175 p

components: grey feather
The Wizard points his hand towards a chosen direction, releasing a howling blast of wind, that appears as a horizontal whirlwind, knocking back all who stand in its path. This spell affects a corridor one square wide and up to 10 squares long starting from the Wizard. It must be perfectly straight and follow a cardinal or diagonal direction. All models within the Wind Blast, whether friend or foe, are affected. Roll a D12 for every model, starting from the furthest from the Wizard. For every point that the dice roll exceeds the Strength value of the target, it is moved away one square, in the direction of the wind. Models striking immovable objects are halted and sustain one point of damage for each square of movement left. If the object is another model they both suffer the damage. In the case in which a Large Monster collides into a smaller one, one extra damage is caused to the latter model.

The Grey Cyclone cost: 175 p

components: runic parchment and vial of mist

Pronouncing long-forgotten words of power and rapidly moving his hands, the Wizard creates a furious grey vortex. This small whirlwind unleashes all the destructive force of the elements on all those unfortunate enough to find themselves in it, and gradually diminishes in power until only a gentle breeze is left where before was a raging cyclone. Place the Fireball template within 12 squares of the wizard and leave it there. All models, whether friend or foe, under the template, suffer 5dd. During the next turn the Wizard player may move the template up to 2 squares in any direction (even diagonally) and roll 4dd (one less than before) against all models in or passing through it. This process continues, reducing each turn by one the damage dice caused, until they reach the value of zero (i.e. after 5 turns). Models within the Grey Cyclone may not use ranged attacks, and the area covered by the template blocks totally ranged attacks that cross it (i.e. the Cyclone may also be used as a wall to protect those behind it against missile attacks).

The Sword of Judgement cost: 225 p

components: 2 steel shards
Holding his hands together, the Wizard begins to chant and soon the misty outline of a sword can be seen coalescing in his closed fists. Soon the lithe and graceful shape of a steel greatsword, the Sword of Judgement itself, becomes clear to sight, its razor-like blade cutting through foes as the Wizard handles it with deadly accuracy. This spell lasts for the duration of the combat in which it is cast, or until the Wizard chooses to end its effects. While brandishing the Sword of Judgement, the Wizard gains a bonus of +3 to WS and DS, and causes damage as if wielding a sword (fumble:1, critic:12), adding +2 to the damage dice. The Sword counts as a magical sword.
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